GATE-BT2024 Selections- Aishee Chakraborty - AIR 43, Tiyasa Malik - AIR 1044, Gourav Mukherjee - AIR 2097 and many more... GATE-BT2023 Selections- Ankita Chowdhury – AIR 40, Varsha N – AIR 88, Kadambi Sundara Chari – AIR 93, Akash Chakraborti – AIR 142, Sanyukta Kalita – AIR 957, A Shruthi – AIR 994, Abhinav Dayal – AIR 1442, Umang Sharma – AIR 1442 and many more... GATE-BT2022 Selections- Adrija Bose - AIR 14, Debasmita Sharma Chaudhuri - AIR 20, Krati Garg - AIR 52, Debjani Das - AIR 138, K.Sundara Chari - AIR 150, Anjana Devi D S - AIR 199, Agnishwar Adhikary - AIR 660, Avinash Bharti - AIR 687, Abhinandan Chanchal - AIR 1107 and many more... GATE-BT2021 Selections- Indermeet Singh Bakshi - AIR 1, Rajdeep Ghosh - AIR 27, Shourya Majumder - AIR 48, Abhishek Tiwari - AIR 289, Aditya Subramanian - AIR 349, Soham Ray Chaudhuri - AIR 426, Sanjana Sharma - AIR 553, Ishita Hiremath - AIR 586, N.Dikshit Chandra - AIR 610 and many more... GATE-BT2020 Selections- Joel Abraham - AIR 43, Rashmi Singh - AIR 160, Adel Neyaz - AIR 276, Roshita Sharma - AIR 676, Pooja Savla - AIR 767, Kamal jain - AIR 799, Ravi Pandey - AIR 918 and many more... GATE-BT2019 Selections- Muskan Khetan - AIR 46, IIT Madras, Bhavika Garua - AIR 159, Shubhi Das - AIR 238, Rakshika Raveendran - AIR 251, IIT Delhi, Anjali Setiya - AIR 543, Vivek Bisht - AIR 597, Tamalika Paul - AIR 620, Javvadi Lakshmi Aswani - AIR 1113 and many more... GATE-BT2018 Selections- Vipul Kumar - AIR 41, IIT Delhi, Madras and Kharagpur; Parvathi Suresh - AIR 46; Ankita Khanna - AIR 196, BITS Pilani; Nidhi Singh - AIR 198; Neeraj Gupta - AIR 210; NS Keerthi - AIR 452, IIT Madras; Bhawna Singh - AIR 452; Bhuvana Maanickam - AIR 1200 and many more...

GateBiotech Test Series Topics

S.No. Section/Unit
A. General Biology (Section)
i) Biochemistry
  Biomolecules structure and function
  Membrane, action potential, transport
  Enzyme, kinetics
  Photosynthesis, respiration, electron transport chain
ii) Microbiology
  Viruses, microbial classification, diversity
  Methods in microbiology
  Respiration, nitrogen fixation
  Host pathogen interaction, disease causing microorganisms,

antibiotics mode of action

iii) Immunology
  History, Innate, humoral, cell mediated, organs and cells of


  Ag, Ab structure, function, antibody diversity generation,


  MHC, Autoimmunity, Graft rejection biology, Hypersensitivity


  Monoclonal, polyclonal Ab generation, ELISA, RIA
B. Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology (Section)
iv) Genetics and Evolutionary Biology
  Structure of genes, chromosomes, mutation, mutagenesis
  Replication, transcription, translation (prokaryotic and eukaryotic), operons and operon mutants
  Mendelian inheritance, Complementation
  Linkage, recombination, chromosome mapping,

extrachromosomal inheritance

  Microbial genetics, transposons
  DNA damage, repair, genetic diseases, inheritance
  Population genetics

[Epigenetics; Selection and inheritance; Adaptive and neutral evolution; Genetic drift; Species and speciation.]

v) Cell Biology
  Cell structure, prokaryotic, eukaryotic
  Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, cell growth, control


  Cell signalling and signal transduction
  Cell death and autophagy; Extra-cellular matrix.
vi) Molecular biology and genetics
  Structure of genes, chromosomes, mutation, mutagenesis
  Replication, transcription, translation (prokaryotic and eukaryotic)

[Regulation mechanism, non-coding RNA, operons and operon


  DNA damage and repair
C. Fundamentals of Biological Engineering (Section)
vii) Engineering principles applied to biological systems:
  Material and energy balances

[for reactive and non-reactive systems; Recycle, bypass and purge processes]

  Stoichiometry of growth and product formation

[Degree of reduction, electron balance, theoretical oxygen demand]

viii) Classical thermodynamics and Bioenergetics:
  Thermodynamics and Ligand binding

[Laws of thermodynamics; Solution thermodynamics; Phase equilibria, reaction equilibria]


[Membrane potential; Energetics of metabolic pathways, oxidation and reduction reactions]

ix) Transport Processes:
  Fluid flow, Mixing in Bioreactors

[Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, fluid flow – laminar and turbulent, mixing time]

  Molecular diffusion and film theory

[Oxygen transfer and uptake in bioreactor, kLa and its measurement]

  Heat Transfer

[Conductive and convective heat transfer, LMTD, overall heat transfer coefficient; Heat exchangers]

D. Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology


x) Bioreaction engineering:
  Rate law, Ideal reactors and enzyme immobilization


  [zero and first order kinetics; Ideal reactors – batch, mixed flow and plug flow; Enzyme immobilization, diffusion effects – Thiele

modulus, effectiveness factor, Damkoehler number]

  Cell growth kinetics

[Kinetics of cell growth, substrate utilization and product formation; Structured and unstructured models]

  Processes and scale up

[Batch, fed-batch and continuous processes; Microbial and enzyme reactors; Optimization and scale up]

xi) Upstream and Downstream Processing:
  Upstream processing

[Media formulation and optimization; Sterilization of air and media; Filtration – membrane filtration, ultrafiltration; Centrifugation – high speed and ultra; Cell disruption]

  Downstream processing

[Principles of chromatography – ion exchange, gel filtration, hydrophobic interaction, affinity, GC, HPLC and FPLC; Extraction, adsorption and drying]

xii) Instrumentation and Process Control:

[Pressure, temperature and flow measurement devices; Valves; First order and second order systems]

  Process control

[Feedback and feed forward control; Types of controllers – proportional, derivative and integral control, tuning of controllers]

E. Plant, Animal and Microbial Biotechnology (Section)
xiii) Plants:
  Regeneration, tissue culture and kinetics of growth [Totipotency; Regeneration of plants; Plant growth regulators and elicitors; Tissue culture and cell suspension culture system –

methodology, kinetics of growth and nutrient optimization]

  Plant secondary metabolites, artificial seeds and protoplast fusion

[Production, Hairy root culture; Plant products of industrial

importance; Artificial seeds; Somaclonal variation; Protoplast, protoplast fusion – somatic hybrid and cybrid]

  Transgenic plants

[direct and indirect methods of gene transfer techniques; Selection marker and reporter gene; Plastid transformation]

xiv) Animals:


  Animal cell culture

[Culture media composition and growth conditions; Animal cell and tissue preservation; Anchorage and non-anchorage dependent cell culture; Kinetics of cell growth]

  Micro & macro carrier culture, hybridoma and stem cell technology

[Animal cloning; Transgenic animals; Knock-out and knock-in


xv) Microbes:
  Food and Industrial microbiology

[Production of biomass and primary/secondary metabolites – Biofuels, bioplastics, industrial enzymes, antibiotics; Large scale production and purification of recombinant proteins and metabolites; Clinical, Screening strategies for new products]

F. Recombinant DNA technology and Other Tools in

Biotechnology (Section)

xvi) Recombinant DNA technology:
  Enzymes and vectors

[Restriction and modification enzymes; Vectors – plasmids, bacteriophage and other viral vectors, cosmids, Ti plasmid, bacterial and yeast artificial chromosomes; Expression vectors]

  DNA library, expression, transposons and gene targeting

[cDNA and genomic DNA library; Gene isolation and cloning, strategies for production of recombinant proteins]

xvii) Molecular tools:
  PCR, NA sequencing and blotting

[DNA/RNA labelling and sequencing; Southern and northern blotting; In-situ hybridization]

  DNA fingerprinting, CRISPR-Cas and biosensors

[RAPD, RFLP; Site-directed mutagenesis; Gene transfer technologies]

xviii) Analytical tools:
  Microscopy and spectroscopy

[light, electron, fluorescent and confocal microscopy; UV, visible, CD, IR, fluorescence, FT-IR, MS, NMR spectroscopy]

  Electrophoresis, Immunoassays and flow cytometry [Micro-arrays; Enzymatic assays, ELISA, RIA,

immunohistochemistry; immunoblotting, Whole genome and

ChIP sequencing]

xix) Computational tools:


  Search tools, sequence and structure databases

[Sequence analysis – sequence file formats, scoring matrices, alignment, phylogeny]

  Genomics, proteomics and metabolomics

[Gene prediction; Functional annotation; Secondary structure and 3D structure prediction; Knowledge discovery in biochemical databases; Metagenomics; Metabolic engineering and systems biology]

G. Engineering Mathematics & GA
xx) Linear Algebra: Matrices and determinants; Systems of linear

equations; Eigen values and Eigen vectors.

  Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability; Partial

derivatives, maxima and minima; Sequences and series; Test for convergence.

  Differential Equations: Linear and nonlinear first order ODEs, higher order ODEs with constant coefficients; Cauchy’s and

Euler’s equations; Laplace transforms.

  Probability and Statistics: Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; Random variables; Poisson, normal and binomial distributions; Correlation and regression analysis.
  Numerical Methods: Solution of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations; Integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule; Single

step method for differential equations.